4089 124th Street, Lake Hallie, WI 54729 | Phone: 715-861-7651

A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival | Business Module 2 - Scenario/Simulation Workplace Training

A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival | Business Module 2 - Scenario/Simulation Workplace Training

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Would You Know How to Survive?
If an unstable employee, employee family member, or random person entered your workplace with a weapon, would you know what to do? This is a serious question that every safety manager, human resources, risk management professional, and employee should be able to confidently answer “YES”! In the A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training Program, you will learn to:

  • Become more aware of your surroundings
  • Recognize the warning signs associated with potential violence
  • Prepare for such an event by being “proactively reactionary”
  • Evaluate an active shooter situation more quickly and efficiently
  • Decide and take the best action necessary for your survival
  • Dominate the attacker, if necessary, using a kill-or-be-killed mentality
  • Navigate the chaos that comes after the event, and
  • Train family, friends, and coworkers how to do the same

A.L.I.V.E. stands for Assess, Leave, Impede, Violence, and Expose. Using a common sense approach based on what has been learned from prior active shooter events, behavior, and the perpetrator mentality, instructor Tara Marcon will teach a “security mindset” to aid in recognizing possible signs of a pending attack and a “survival mindset” using reaction techniques that take the fundamental “Run, Hide, Fight” response to the next level.

This module is conducted on-site, at the employer’s location, and in the offices, bullpens, assembly lines, warehouses, and everywhere else employees actually go about their day-to-day business to show them the best course to take, best routes to LEAVE, resources to IMPEDE, and improvised weapons to use if VIOLENCE is necessary against the active shooter. (1 to 2 hours based on client needs.)